Email: fumingming1234@126.com
符明明,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2017年1月毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所获博士学位,2017年4月进入暨南大学从事博士后研究工作,2019年12月进入亚傅手机网页登录亚傅手机网页登录从事教学科研工作。目前在国内外环境领域前沿期刊Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of the Total Environment等发表论文数篇,主持并参与多项国家级和省部级科研项目。
1. Fu MM, Mo CH, Li H, Zhang YN, Huang WX, Wong MH*. Comparison of physicochemical properties of biochars and hydrochars produced from food wastes. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 236: 117637.
2.Liu Bailin#,Fu MM#, Xiang L, Feng NX, Zhao HM, Li YW, Cai QY, Li H, Mo CH*, Wong MH. Adsorption of microcystin contaminants by biochars derived from contrasting pyrolytic conditions: Characteristics, affecting factors, and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 763: 143028.
3. Fu MM, Huang B*, Jia MM, Hu WY, Sun WX, Weindorf DC, Chang Q. Effects of intensive greenhouse vegetable cultivation on selenium availability in soil. Pedosphere. 2015, 25(3): 343-350.
4. Fu MM, Jiang Y*, Bai YF, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Li B. Variation in soil Mn fractions as affected by long-term manure amendment using atomic absorption spectrophotometer in a typical grassland of Inner Mongolia. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2012, 32(8): 2238-2241.
5.符明明,贾萌萌,胡文友,黄标*.设施栽培条件下蔬菜含硒状况及其健康风险评估.土壤. 2016, 48(5): 887-892.
6.Zhang YG, Yang S,Fu MM, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Bai YF, Jiang Y*. Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe. Journal of Arid Land. 2015, 7(3): 361-369.
7.Sun WX, Huang B*, Qu MK, Tian K, Yao LP,Fu MM, Yin LP. Effect of farming practices on the variability of phosphorus status in intensively managed soils. Pedosphere, 2015, 25(3): 438-449.
8.周丹,符明明,魏金明,娄翼来,姜勇*.设施菜田不同施氮处理对硝酸盐迁移和积累的影响.土壤通报. 2011, 42(2): 407-411.
9.魏金明,姜勇*,符明明,张玉革,徐柱文.水、肥添加对内蒙古典型草原土壤碳、氮、磷及pH的影响.生态学杂志. 2011, 30(08): 1642-1646.